Friday, October 19, 2007

"Putting the Pedagogy into the Tools" K-12 Online Conference

I attended the "Putting the Pedagogy in the Tools" session by Anne Davis at the K-12 Online 2007 Conference. The session was engaging and demonstrated the exemplary uses of using technology in instruction. Anne provided a narrated presentation to begin her session and then encouraged the participants to view her blog, which included examples and resources of different instructional technology tools.

Overall, I found her session to be very informative. I especially enjoyed her introduction (the narrated presentation) which included all images and no text. The images she used definitely reflected her narration. Not many people use PowerPoint or other presentation tools in this manner. Recently, a JMU faculty member mentioned that just including bullet points doesn't necessarily engage the student or provide for further contemplation. Providing an image on the other hand encourages the student to really think about what the image is saying in conjunction with the instructor's voice. I think this is an interesting point, which makes me contemplate textual PowerPoint presentations. Perhaps, by including questions on the slides for participants rather than statements we could provide more engagement and deeper learning.

1 comment:

Rich Clemens said...

I also looked at this presentation and your thoughts about visuals rings true to me. I many times mentally attach images to ideas so I guess that my learning preference tends to lean toward the visual. I prefer presentations with visuals - this might be more time consuming to find good visuals but it might be worth the effort...